Jan 23, 2014 | Diabetes, Diet Tips, Research, Weight Loss
Read the Article Here iDiet founder Dr. Susan Roberts was extensively quoted in this short article about the Glycemic Index (GI). You can watch the Glycemic Index of your daily diet without keeping a lot of numbers in your head. It’s easy with the simple tips...
Jan 30, 2013 | Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes, Fiber, In the Media, Legumes, Research
Legumes Improve Heart Risk, Glycemic Control Low-glycemic beans, peas and lentils are also linked to lower blood pressure. Previous research has shown that legumes — beans, peas and lentils — can help fight heart disease by improving cholesterol. Now, a new study...
Jan 9, 2013 | Diabetes, Nutrition, Science, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
By Susan B. Roberts, PhDWhen I was young, an old friend with heart disease, cancer and impending kidney failure used to tell me “old age isn’t for sissies.” He may have just been quoting Bette Davis, but it’s profoundly true that middle aged and elderly folk with...